Cube is really fun to solve. Comes in a quality box and got a premium cube box from mcubes. Will definitely try other cubes soon
Looking for a 2x2 try this, worth of money
Was previously using the meilong m and just upgraded to this. Cube is fast and stable on opening. It's already lubes so need and setup well. As iquested they also gift wrapped for my son birthday. Got a mcubes wristband for free as well.
Tornado v4 cube is not controllable and not stable, just used and it's working well. Better than the cubeology or the cubeleo weight lube. 1 or 2 drops only needed to keep the cube slow. Accidentally drop more on my old cube and so gummy. Recommended lube
If you looking for a cube keychain i recommend to try this one. It's a pillow design and the quality is so gooda and quality is better than other keychain. My daughter put this in her bag since she got it. Really recommended mcubes than other stores out for cubes and other stuffs